Ostara Blessing

May Ostara bring joy and easiness into your lives,

may her fertility be passed over to you and may your dreams, ideas, wishes, plans ripen and bear new fruits.

May the loveliness of spring open your hearts and may you understand the beauty of being and take it in.

Full of strength and new energy you shall walk into the brightness of the awakening spring and you shall leave the darkness of the past time behind.

Let go all former burdens and get rid of the ballast still hindering you.

Free and with new strength your feet shall carry you towards dawn.

May Ostara bless you all!

(source unknown, saved on my computer)

About kateeleigh

I'm not the greatest at this whole social media thing. I like face-to-face interactions. Phone calls, texts, random cups of tea. I work in some of Canada's most remote places, and I'm having a (not-so) secret love affair with my camera, who goes everywhere with me. When I'm not running away to the great outdoors, I like to read, play video games, and find the myriad ways I can annoy my cat. I'm the author and photographer at http://photomemoires.wordpress.com/ and I'm a contributor to Thalassa's Pagan Devotionals over at https://lectiodivinapaganus.wordpress.com/ Welcome to my world. Won't you sit down with a cup of tea and stay a while? View all posts by kateeleigh

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