Friday Around the Web

A History of the Neo-Pagan Wheel of the Year

A Morning Prayer for Freya, via Gangleri’s Grove

Prayer to Yemaya

Homage of the Deep, a Surfer’s prayer (via my regular blog)

Socrates’ Hymn to Pan

Some newer prayers from Ceisiwr Serith, via his homepage

The Guided Meditation Site

Knitting as Meditation, a blog post

Invocation for Brigid

About thalassa

Occasionally doting wife, damn proud momma of two adorable children, veteran of the United States Navy, semi-steampunk bohemian beach addict from middle America, Victorian-era history of natural history aficionado, canoeing and kayaking and paddleboarding fan, Unitarian Universalist and pantheistic Pagan devotee of various aquatic deities, and practitioner of bioregional witchery View all posts by thalassa

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